St. Luke’s C.E (VC) Primary School, Endon
‘Helping Lights Shine for All’ Luke 11:33
Christian Vision
St Luke’s CE Academy is a loving family that has a heart to be at the centre of the community. Our pupils learn to be positive change makers looking to our own and others’ needs. This is underpinned by a holistic approach to life with the golden thread of our Christian values.
Mission statement
As a voluntary-controlled church school, we strive to ensure the best possible learning journey for children in our care; encouraging the development of values and attitudes, skills and knowledge, that will ‘release the potential’ in each individual, for the benefit of others, in an ever changing world.
As a school community of children, parents, staff and governors, we aspire to our actions and attitudes being underpinned by ‘The 5Bs of Great Learning’ (attitudes):
- Be Honest – like Zacchaeus
- Be Considerate – like the Good Samaritan
- Be Positive – like Daniel
- Be Determined – like Noah
- Be the Best You Can Be- like Mary
Principles guiding Learning & Leadership choices
We strive to enact pedagogic & leadership principles of trust, choice, collaboration and inclusion. We challenge fixed ability labelling or notions of fixed identities, which can create artificial barriers to our ever expanding potential. These principles aim to reflect the gospel message demonstrated by Jesus throughout his ministry.
Together we are working to develop learners, from their individual starting points, who are:
Successful learners, who are empowered to make informed choices about their own learning: who are prepared to take risks and give every element of learning the best of their efforts: finding enjoyment in what they do, with high aspirations and expectations, for and of themselves.
Engaged thinkers, who can think creatively and critically, seeing ‘the other perspective’ and are able to help find solutions to problems they encounter: maturing into active participants rather than passive recipients
Community builders, who listen to these around them, work collaboratively for the common good and consistently see the best in others and seek to draw it out; recognising, accepting and celebrating differences as appropriate
Clear communicators, who are literate and numerate in all contexts and able to utilise modern technologies; able to generate, organise and evaluate their ideas, in order to make themselves understood, whilst allowing the space and time to consider the views of others
Outward looking leaders, who value others, contribute as global citizens to the environmental and social issues of the day; developing and sharing their unique gifts and talents with others, freely and compassionately; acting as role models to all around them