Uniform Policy

Here at St. Luke’s we have a uniform that looks smart and helps to create a purposeful atmosphere, a sense of pride and belonging to a family.

We have 3 types of uniform – a Autumn to Spring uniform, a Summer uniform and a P.E uniform.

From the beginning of the school year to Easter children can wear the following:








Grey Skirt / pinafore dress or trousers
White shirt
Grey  socks/ (grey tights in winter),
School logo cardigan/ School logo jumper
Black shoes

During the Summer term children can wear the following :









Blue gingham summer dress/ grey shorts
White shirt

White ankle socks/ plain grey  (not trainer socks)
School logo cardigan/ jumper
Black shoes

PE Kit:

Navy blue logo t-shirt
Navy blue shorts
Black school pumps
Black Trainers can be worn for outdoor P.E lessons
Football boots (with plastic studs) are allowed for field based sports for KS2
School P.E kit to be worn during after school sporting activities.


Hair that is longer than the chin for all children must be tied up at all times and only plain blue school elastics and scrunchies may be worn.

During the Summer term, school caps are encouraged and these can be purchased from the office.

Please note that jewellery is not permitted, small watches may be worn in KS2. Earrings are not permitted, however  ear piercing retainers may be worn , please see the link.

KS1 pupils do not need a school bag, however if you need a replacement book bag, these can be purchased from Mr Motif.

Our School logo cardigans, jumpers, ties and P.E t-shirts can be purchased from Mr Motif in Milton, please note when washing the woollen items, fabric conditioner is not recommended.

Please can we ask that all items of your child’s clothing has their name written inside on the label, Thank you.

We are proud to be a part of SUA Trust

Join The Trust

SUAT supports and leads in the set-up of new academies joining the partnership. The services provided by the central support function cover both educational and non-educational support. In terms of educational support, SUAT is linked to the School of Education of Staffordshire University, which is an outstanding ITT provider.