Our maths curriculum is reflected in the aims and values in our mission statement:
Successful learners: In maths, we remove barriers to learning by delivering a mastery approach. ALL children are able to access the curriculum through individual support, intervention and targeted questioning to ensure understanding.

Engaged thinkers: Problem
solving is rooted within our curriculum and children are given the opportunity to apply their knowledge in a problem solving context.
Community builders: Termly whole school maths days where parents are encouraged to get involved.
Clear communicators: We have invested in iPads and we are using them to support our learning in maths with subscriptions to platforms such as TTRS and LBQ.
Outward looking leaders: We value the impact that maths has in our day to day lives and how maths can be used to help shape children’s careers as they grow up.
At St Luke’s Academy, we deliver a mastery curriculum, through the White Rose approach. The philosophy behind White Rose Maths focuses on making maths fun for children and helping them to find enjoyment in number problems. We challenge fixed ability labelling or notions of fixed identities so that no child feels like they “can’t do maths.” Instead, a positive ‘can-do’ attitude is encouraged and children are taught to enjoy working with numbers. Adopting a White Rose Maths approach is about building a deep understanding of topics, helping children become confident mathematicians who embrace mathematical challenges with a smile.
Weekly arithmetic quizzes are delivered from Year 1 upwards so that children can regularly practise key calculation skills. From this, teachers can plan immediate interventions to scaffold learning. We also use next steps in maths to further deepen children’s understanding.
Challenge is provided through daily lessons. Additional opportunities across the curriculum are provided too such as maths days, and intra-school competitions.
Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFS)
Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFS) are designed to support the development of the mental skills and key knowledge that underpin much of the maths we do here at St. Luke’s.
An important part of maths development has always been learning of certain maths facts. Each half term children focus on one area of Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs) that will be taught in school but also need to be practised at home as well.
It is important that they know these facts thoroughly and can recall them instantly. Whilst children have a wide range of abilities in mathematics, the KIRFs are designed to be a set of facts that need to be learnt thoroughly as they build on each other year on year. Again, we stress that the children must aim to know their KIRFs inside out, back to front and with instant recall.
In addition to this, Reception and KS1 are taking part in the ‘Mastering Number’ programme. This nationwide programme for teachers of pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 is designed to develop solid number sense, including fluency and flexibility with number facts, which will have a lasting impact on future learning for all children, embedding firm foundations before they start KS2.

As always here at St. Luke’s, we feel the impact of our curriculum is best voiced by our children. Here are some examples of our pupils favourite pieces of work and reasons why they love maths at this school!