Fun Activities Snacks Time to do homework Club


St Luke’s before and after club service operates for it’s pupils, and only St Luke’s children can attend. Here your child can play and learn in purpose built facilities with health and safety of the children is a priority. Security is thorough but unobtrusive with entrance doors being locked at all times and no child being allowed home with anyone other than a parent or other nominated person and by prior arrangement with the staff. The car park will be open for only parents using the care club to drop off and pick up. Gates will be open at 7.30am and close at 8.20am and be open again at 4.30pm until 5.45pm.


To give peace of mind the service is a Governor led facility and falls under the same Ofsted regime as the school so you can be safe in the knowledge that rigorous fair selection and recruitment, safeguarding and health and safety policies are in place and checked and updated regularly.


Our Staff

Mrs L Schonau                                  Mrs J Wardle

Schonau                    Wardle


The club will provide structured play and activities to educate whilst entertaining the children. Although the emphasis is on fun, Ofsted do require evidence that there is planned activity and that the children’s needs are met. Regular consultations with children and parents on how they see their time with us being spent are carried out half termly.

There is a quiet area to do homework and children also have access to the KS1 play area as well as IT equipment.

The added benefit of the extended care service is that the children are able to participate in the after school clubs and sports events as well as “hanging” with their school friends.

Overall, our aim is to provide a mix of learning and fun to encourage development in a way that is both relevant to the children and relaxed.

Health Eating

There will be breakfast in the form of toast or cereal and a drink in the morning from 7.45 until 8.30 am.

In the afternoon a snack consisting of a sandwich, a drink and a piece of fruit will be provided. The food in the afternoon is provided only as a snack and is not intended to replace an evening meal.

Breakfast will be served 7.45am until 8.30 am.
Afternoon snack will be served from 3.45pm until 4.45pm.


Opening Times

St Luke’s extended care club is open from 7.30am until 8.50am each morning and 3.10pm until 5.45pm each afternoon, Monday to Friday throughout the academic year. We are closed for school holidays but will provide an all day service on selected school inset days.

Fee Structure

Current fees for FAST club are:

Annual Registration Fee £4.00

Before School only £6.50

After School only £8.50

Full day (before and after school) £15.00

Full day (Inset days only) £25.00

Sessions should be booked and paid using our online booking system, Hivelink, via the link below:

  • The annual registration fee is payable at the start of the academic year to reserve a place for your child.  The funds will be used to replenish our stock of toys, craft and outdoor equipment.
  • Payment of the registration fee is required before making your first booking.  On making the first payment you are also giving permission for the registration fee to be deducted annually by recurring card payment on 27th July each year.
  • Payment for your childcare is required at the time of booking by bank card or via Tax-Free Childcare.
  • Tax-Free Childcare maybe available to working parents, whereby for every £8 you spend on childcare the government will pay £2.  To find out if you are eligible and how to apply please visit the government website:
  • Late collections (after 6.00pm) will result in a penalty charge. This will be a charge of £5.00 for the first 15 minutes and £5.00 for every 15 minutes after that.
  • 14 days notice is required to terminate or alter your child’s placement.

If you are interested please call into the office and ask for Sharon Johnson or email her on:

We are proud to be a part of SUA Trust

Join The Trust

SUAT supports and leads in the set-up of new academies joining the partnership. The services provided by the central support function cover both educational and non-educational support. In terms of educational support, SUAT is linked to the School of Education of Staffordshire University, which is an outstanding ITT provider.